Sunday, April 25, 2010

Does Obama want to Destroy America?

But in his mind he is not trying to destroy America simply because he wants utter destruction and devastation to be the only outcome. You see, mere destruction isn’t his end goal as those on the right fear. In his left-wing ideology, he thinks after America’s fall he and his left-wing comrades will be building a new and better U.S.A. Where real Americans see destruction and the end of everything, the leftists see a re-birth to a better and, in their eyes, more moral America. He and his left-wing friends see the U.S. as a Phoenix rising from the ashes of the bad old days..

read it all at BigGovernment

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Webb Votes For VAT, Warner hides under desk

Jim Webb was one of the 13 senators who opposed this amendment, thus putting him on the record in support of a VAT tax on top of our income tax.
Mark Warner was one of the 2 senators who did not vote at all.

Here is a list of the other dirt bag Politicians who can't wait to take more of YOUR Money...
Via Tertium Quids
* Daniel Akaka, Hawaii
* Jeff Bingaman, New Mexico
* Sherrod Brown, Ohio
* Robert Byrd, West Virginia
* Ben Cardin, Maryland
* Byron Dorgan, North Dakota
* Ted Kaufman, Delaware
* Carl Levin, Michigan
* Jack Reed, Rhode Island
* Tom Udall, New Mexico
* George Voinovich, Ohio
* Jim Webb, Virginia
* Sheldon Whitehouse, Rhode Island

Governor McDonnell's Budget Specifics

Details here...
I was not happy to read this....
McDonnell prevailed on a proposal that would prohibit local governments from cutting retirement benefits for state and local government employees.

We need to cut state employee salaries and benefits before Virginia is the next California..

Sorry about light Blogging

Been sick for the last week... beginning to feel better so things will pick up on Monday.

In the meantime.. have a good weekend !

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

These are the Kind of People Teaching Our Children

It's Time we Take Control of the Schools and Get rid of the Teacher Unions

HADDONFIELD, N.J. — They're the kind of obscenity-laced schoolyard taunts that could get a student suspended.
But the target of this tirade is New Jersey's Gov. Chris Christie — and the perpetrators are the state's teachers, irate over his calls for salary freezes and funding cuts for schools.
In Facebook messages visible to the world — not to mention their students — the teachers have called Christie fat, compared him to a genocidal dictator and wished he was dead. The postings are often riddled with bad grammar and misspellings.

"Never trust a fat f...," read one profane post on the Facebook page, "New Jersey Teachers United Against Governor Chris Christie's Pay Freeze," which has some 69,000 fans, many of them teachers.
"How do you spell A-- hole? C-H-R-I-S C-H-R-I-S-T-I-E," read another.
The rhetoric has become ever more heated as residents of most of the state's school districts get ready to vote Tuesday on property tax levies that support district budgets. And while many of the postings are emotional, most aren't personal attacks.

Christie, a first-year Republican governor who inherited a state in dire financial straits, wants voters to reject the proposals in districts where educators won't agree to salary freezes for the coming school year.

The acrimony intensified last month when Christie proposed cutting state and federal aid to districts by 11 percent, calling it a way to share sacrifice as the state tries to rein in spending.
That's when the Facebook attacks really took off.
One educator, a librarian with a Master's degree, described the cuts as "rediculous."
Another pointed out that Christie's late mother was a member of the teachers union: "It's not right to bite the hand that feeds you. Oh I forgot it's Chirs Christie, He's so large I bet he'd bite anything that's put in front of his face!"
"Remember Pol Pot, dictator of Cambodia?" warned another. "He reigned in terror, his target was teachers and intellectuals. They were either killed or put into forced labor... King Kris Kristy is headed in this direction."

Christie's supporters have responded with a Facebook page of their own. "Teachers need to sit down and shut up. They live in a dream world where they work 180 days a year," it asserted. "Way overpaid to start with, they could never make it working in the real world."
Even in these tough economic times, teachers in most New Jersey districts have continued to get annual negotiated raises — often around 4 percent — and don't have to help pay for their health insurance.
So Christie has offered more money to districts that can get teachers unions to revise their contracts and freeze salaries for the upcoming school year — and agree to start paying 1.5 percent of their salaries toward their health insurance.
So far, teachers in only 20 of the state's 590 school districts have agreed to any concessions.
In 2006, the last year for which data was available, New Jersey teachers made an average of $58,000. The salary, in one of the highest cost-of-living states, was fourth in the nation.
Earlier this month, an opinion column in the Star-Ledger of Newark, the state's largest newspaper, took teachers to task for their attacks on the governor.
"Here are words to live by from a guy teaching you critical life tools," it said of one expletive-ridden post. "Write them down. There might be a quiz."
Some have cooled the rhetoric and even apologized.
After a New Jersey teacher's union wished Christie dead — like "my favorite singer, Michael Jackson" — the group's president, Joe Coppola of the Bergen County Education Association, called it a bad attempt at humor and apologized.
Christie's people weren't impressed. "The union is, has been, and probably always will be a bully," the governor's spokesman, Michael Drewniak, said in an interview last week.
It's Christie who's the real bully, asserted Marlene Brubaker, a Camden County Technical School science teacher who wrote the post comparing the governor to the Khmer Rouge leader, Pol Pot.
"I'm not saying this guy is killing us physically," she said. "I would say he's trying to kill us spiritually," by disrespecting teachers and spreading the myth that they're overpaid.
Her salary, which public records show is a bit more than $50,000 a year, isn't enough to make ends meet, she added, so she also has to tutor and work as a home health aide.
The debate appears to be taking a slightly more civil course lately, especially after the founder of the anti-Christie page was shut out from posting on the site for about a week because of all the hateful comments.
"I have deleted and will continue to delete commets comparing Governor Christie to genocidal maniacs," read a recent post, complete with a typo. "He is not a genocidal maniac. He is a crappy governor."

Obama doesn't Appreciate Free Speech

you have to go to the 5 minute mark

Obama gets testy

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Pictures from Tax Day Tea Party in DC

Go here for more

my favorite...

Saturday, April 17, 2010


As the economy tanks and property values go down Democrats raise property taxes

The board, which had formally indicated it might raise property taxes as much as 12 cents, instead would raise taxes five cents to $1.09 per $100 of assessed value.

And homeowners will be paying more to register vehicles.

And other levies will rise.

A tax designed to protect the Chesapeake Bay by upgrading storm-water drainage systems will add an additional half a cent to property tax bills.

Sewer taxes would also rise 17 percent, costing the average homeowner about $90 more a year.

fyi... democrats have the majority on the board so they will always vote for higher taxes..

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Tea Party Rap


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Time to Break the Teachers Unions

This isn't just New Jersey, this is happening all over the country. It's time to put an end to it.
Teachers Union Boss Behaves Like a UNION THUG
The childish behavior is only the latest in an ongoing NJEA public relations campaign against Christie because of his decision to cut education funding, including $819 million for next school year, to close the gap on a multi-billion dollar state budget deficit.
Christie cut the current year’s school aid by $415 million, but offered to restore some funding to schools where teachers agreed to wage freezes. Of course, NJEA leaders aren’t happy about the potential concessions, and local union leaders continue to mull the possibility, the Express-Times reports.
Their indecision has forced school administrators across the state to plan for the worse case – massive teacher layoffs, program cuts, and skyrocketing class sizes.
“What they could accomplish by (accepting some concessions) would be saving the jobs of colleagues and programs. This is not an unreasonable request,” Christie spokesman Michael Drewniak told the Express-Times.

There are numerous states including Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, California and others where teachers unions are facing the same situation. So far, most National Education Association affiliates have refused to help, and thousands of young, eager educators are filing into the unemployment office.
We remain amazed and baffled by the stubborn refusal of leaders of the NJEA and other state teachers unions who either don’t understand the gravity of the education funding crisis, or don’t care.
The solution, in their eyes, seems to hinge on more school funding through increased taxes at a time when the public cannot afford it. In most cases, school districts have instituted cuts in virtually every area of the school budget except teacher wages and benefits, which gobble up the vast majority of school funds.
All eyes are now on the teachers unions for help.
Unfortunately, union brass seem more concerned with petty personal attacks and distortion tactics designed to discredit state leaders focused on fiscal responsibility.
“We’re going to be working very hard to convince the legislature the governor’s priorities are the wrong priorities for New Jersey,” NJEA spokesman Steve Baker told the Express-Times.
We find it ironic that union officials like Mr. Baker continue to preach about priorities while racking in hundreds of millions of tax dollars from dues-paying members who are often forced from their jobs because of their union’s stubbornness.
It’s interesting that America’s teachers unions continue to rally on the steps of state capitals to demand more money for public education, while spending a fortune to lobby lawmakers on issues like abortion or gay rights, which have nothing to do with educating kids.

More on State Pensions at the Atlantic

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Is the Tea Party Movement Getting too Big to Succeed?

Erick Erickson asks, answers and tells us what direction he's heading in...
a bunch of tea parties, or at least one saying it was doing it for more, put out a press release announcing the birth of the National Tea Party Federation, which is not an organization, not a structure, not a new set of leaders, but an evolution of alliances of 19 tea party organizations and a handful of other groups, except for the Tea Party Patriots, which has worked overtime to be simply a volunteer group of concerned activists who neither get paid nor make money. Yeah, I have a soft spot for Tea Party Patriots living up to their ideal.

I have always worked on behalf of Tea Party Patriots, I never collected dues, held meetings or had political ambitions.. The infighting and competition between some people operating under the Tea Party Label in Virginia turned me off and left me here to operate my little tea party group through this blog and email list. It was obvious to me after the 912 March that the Tea Party meme was being swallowed up by larger more politically savvy and ambitious people who had their own political agendas and wanted to bottle the energy of a true grassroots movement. I stay true and connected to Tea Party Patriots. And Eric Erickson has a great point, now is the time to put down the protest signs and get behind candidates we want to win in 2010 and 2012. The best way is to volunteer and raise money even if the candidate doesn't live in our district
I would love to know what your views are...

Update over at RedState Be sure to read the comments

Democrats Plan to Attack Supreme Court Judges who Follow the Constitution

Picking a Supreme Court Judge the Alinsky way
from Politico
Democrats hope to turn the upcoming Supreme Court confirmation hearings into a referendum of sorts on controversial recent decisions by the Roberts court — portraying the conservative majority as a judicial Goliath trampling the rights of average Americans.

alinsky's rules for radicals here

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Heritage Foundation's New Advocacy Group

Heritage Action for America
Heritage Action for America will answer the growing demand to play a more active and effective role in national policy debates. We will ensure members of Congress hear directly from their constituents, including over 630,000 members of The Heritage Foundation and millions of others around the country who believe in our principles and share our vision of America's future.

Heritage Action for America will allow unprecedented coordination and communication with concerned citizens who want to be part of the national dialogue. Our country stands at a precipice. The size and scope of the federal government is growing at unprecedented rates. The American people are increasingly aware of this and looking for more opportunities to make their voices heard and impact the decisions of their elected representatives. Heritage Action for America will speak directly to the American people in order to break through the establishment in Washington.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Why Won't Gerry Connolly Come Clean About the terrorist-linked Dar Al-Hijrah Fundraiser?

BIGGOVERNMENT.COM is thankfully not going to let this story go away....

Congressman Jim Moran and Governor and DNC Chairman Tim Kaine confirmed they had not attended. Moran’s press secretary stated that he was abroad in Turkey over the weekend, while the DNC Press Secretary stated that Governor Kaine “didn’t receive an invitation and didn’t attend.” The other three – Gerry Connolly, Sharon Bulova and Penny Gross – refused to comment.
How long can Representative Gerry Connolly and supervisors Gross and Bulova cover up whether they attended? More importantly, is Connolly covering up the fact that he did attend, to hide his continuing radical connections from responsible citizens – including patriotic Muslims - in his own district? Or is he covering up the fact that he did not attend, so he doesn’t offend the Islamist allies whose support he has have counted on in the past?

Either way, it’s time to end the cover-up. It’s time for a clear-cut answer: “Yes” or “No.”

Congressman Gerry Connolly 202-225-1492

Chairwoman Sharon Bulova 703-324-2321

Supervisor Penny Gross 703-256-7717

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Tea Party Rally Call

Here we go again.. President Putz doesn't have the votes

Unclear As Of Now if Senate Will Have Votes to Ratify New Disarmament Treaty

Wrote the Republican Senators: "As you know, it is highly unlikely that the Senate would ratify a treaty that includes such a linkage, including a treaty that includes unilateral declarations that the Russian Federation could use as leverage against you or your successors when U.S. missile defense decisions are made."

The McConnell/Kyl letter to the president noted that a December 15 letter to the President from 41 senators reminded him that section 1251 of last year's defense authorization act "required that the Administration submit a 10 year plan for the modernization of the U.S. nuclear deterrent at the same time it submits the follow-on to the 1991 START Agreement to the Senate for its advice and consent."

McConnell said that "the Obama administration will need to meet three requirements if it expects favorable consideration of the START follow on treaty. The Senate will assess whether or not the agreement is verifiable, whether it reduces our Nation’s ability to defend itself and our allies from the threat of nuclear armed missiles, and whether or not this administration is committed to preserving our own nuclear triad."

About the VAT tax that the Dems Are Salivating Over

Investor Business Daily Explains..
In "Impostor," his 2006 critique of George W. Bush's economic policies, Bartlett wrote: "In my view, the VAT lends itself to dealing with our long-term budget problem because it can be raised a little bit at a time without causing serious economic repercussions."

Lovers of big government have long yearned for a VAT, and statements made by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi make it clear that she is salivating for its enactment to pay for some of the Democrats' endless spending spree.

How unpopular is the VAT? The best person to ask would have been the late Democrat Al Ullman. As chairman of the powerful House Ways and Means Committee during much of the 1970s, he was one of the most powerful politicians in Washington. But he actually lost the Oregon congressional seat he had held for decades after championing the VAT.

First cooked up by France, the VAT's hidden nature is what gets ordinary Americans justifiably furious when they hear talk of it. Steve Forbes and Elizabeth Ames, in their new book "How Capitalism Will Save Us," call the VAT "insidious because it imposes an invisible layer of taxation that inflates the cost of living . .. increases the cost of doing business and hits all consumers."

As Hoover Institution flat-tax gurus Robert E. Hall and Alvin Rabushka have warned, a VAT is unacceptable "to most Americans on grounds of equity" because "by taxing consumption from the first dollar at the same rate, it puts a substantial tax burden on the poor." It therefore "is rarely considered as a replacement for the income tax."

But it would also inflict an inflationary assault — the last thing our economy needs right now. "Experience in Europe has made it plain that the incorporation of the VAT in product prices is not just an academic proposition," Hall and Rabushka point out.

"Not only are prices marked up by the amount of the VAT as soon as the tax goes into place," the economists add, "but there are second and third rounds of inflation as wages respond to higher prices through cost-of-living escalation. In 1979, when Britain raised its VAT rate while cutting income tax rates, a burst of inflation crippled the economy for several years."

The statists now running Washington are too in love with income taxes to replace them with a VAT; it's an added value-added tax they want, starting at a "painlessly" low rate, then growing like a cancer.


FreedomWorks Foundation

What: April 15th, 2010 Tax Day Tea Party in Washington, DC

When: April 15th, evening, (tentatively 6:00pm to 9:30pm)

Why: To protest big government and support lower taxes, less government and more freedom

Here is a tentative schedule of speakers and music for the Tax Day Tea Party in Washington, DC.

9:00am FreedomWorks Liberty Summit (Register Here)

1:00pm Grassroots Lobbying on Capitol Hill

6:00pm Crowd gathers at The Washington Monument

6:10pm Music begins

6:15pm Welcome and First Speaker

9:30pm Tax Day Tea Party Ends

Confirmed speakers include:

Dick Armey, Chairman, FreedomWorks
Matt Kibbe, President, FreedomWorks
Lord Monckton
Andrew Breitbart
Andrew Moylan, National Taxpayers Union
Nic Lott, Mississippi
Rev. C.L. Bryant, Louisiana
Deneen Borelli, New York
Tom Gaitens, FreedomWorks Florida
Tucker Carlson
Brendan Steinhauser
Congressman Ron Paul, TX
Congressman Tom Price, GA

Where: The Washington Monument grounds, (map)

To attend FreedomWorks Liberty Summit in Washington, D.C. on the morning of the 15th. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER!


Date: Thursday, April 15, 2010
Time: Noon to 2:00 P.M.
Location: McCoart Administrative Center
1 County Complex Court
Woodbridge, Virginia 22192

Participating Organizations & Speakers

* Senator Jay O'Brien, Master of Ceremonies
* The Honorable George Allen, former Governor of Virginia
* The Honorable Corey Stewart, Chairman, PWC BOS
* Ben Marchi, Americans for Prosperity
* Ted Kirkpatrick, Campaign for Liberty
* Bob Adney, Americans for Limited Government
* Rich Nielsen, Office of the Attorney General of VA
* Virginia Sovereignty March will read the Virginia Sovereignty Letter from the VA Legislature to the US Congress and President.

* There will be an opportunity for citizens to speak who are attending the rally. Speaking slots are limited. You will need to sign up by sending an e-mail to

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Rape of America

read. it. all.

"Confederate History Month" gives Liberals the Vapors

Lefties all over the web are in RAAAACCCIST ALERT because Governor McDonnell has proclaimed April as Confederate History Month

HERE is Governor McDonnell's Statement

Confederate History Month
WHEREAS, April is the month in which the people of Virginia joined the Confederate States of America in a four year war between the states for independence that concluded at Appomattox Courthouse; and

WHEREAS, Virginia has long recognized her Confederate history, the numerous civil war battlefields that mark every region of the state, the leaders and individuals in the Army, Navy and at home who fought for their homes and communities and Commonwealth in a time very different than ours today; and

WHEREAS, it is important for all Virginians to reflect upon our Commonwealth’s shared history, to understand the sacrifices of the Confederate leaders, soldiers and citizens during the period of the Civil War, and to recognize how our history has led to our present; and

WHEREAS, Confederate historical sites such as the White House of the Confederacy are open for people to visit in Richmond today; and

WHEREAS, all Virginians can appreciate the fact that when ultimately overwhelmed by the insurmountable numbers and resources of the Union Army, the surviving, imprisoned and injured Confederate soldiers gave their word and allegiance to the United States of America, and returned to their homes and families to rebuild their communities in peace, following the instruction of General Robert E. Lee of Virginia, who wrote that, “...all should unite in honest efforts to obliterate the effects of war and to restore the blessings of peace."; and

WHEREAS, this defining chapter in Virginia’s history should not be forgotten, but instead should be studied, understood and remembered by all Virginians, both in the context of the time in which it took place, but also in the context of the time in which we live, and this study and remembrance takes on particular importance as the Commonwealth prepares to welcome the nation and the world to visit Virginia for the Sesquicentennial Anniversary of the Civil War, a four-year period in which the exploration of our history can benefit all;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Robert McDonnell, do hereby recognize April 2010 as CONFEDERATE HISTORY MONTH in our COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, and I call this observance to the attention of all our citizens

Well, Of Course, Hamas Loves Obama

"....Hamas officials say Obama is different from all his predecessors. As its deputy "foreign minister," Ahmed Yussuf, told the Journal, "We believe Hamas' message is reaching its destination" -- the White House."
via pamela geller

Pay Up Suckers

A VAT Tax Will Help Create a Permanent Dependent Class
This is liberalism's goal in overturning Reaganism and lying about tax cuts.
"The problem with the deficits is not insufficient taxation. The problem
with the deficits is out-of-control spending by the Obama regime."
-Rush Limbaugh

Paul Volcker says we need a Value Added Tax ( VAT ), which is a tax on Everything, to pay for the Democrats spending spree.

Volcker: Taxes likely to rise eventually to tame deficit

NEW YORK (Reuters) - The United States should consider raising taxes to help bring deficits under control and may need to consider a European-style value-added tax, White House adviser Paul Volcker said on Tuesday.

Volcker, answering a question from the audience at a New York Historical Society event, said the value-added tax "was not as toxic an idea" as it has been in the past and also said a carbon or other energy-related tax may become necessary.

Though he acknowledged that both were still unpopular ideas, he said getting entitlement costs and the U.S. budget deficit under control may require such moves. "If at the end of the day we need to raise taxes, we should raise taxes," he said.

Stealing Elections

Did Soros-Owned Ohio Elections Boss Boot Tea Party Candidate Off Ballot Improperly?
Did outspoken left-winger Jennifer Brunner, an ACORN-friendly Ohio elections chief who previously defied federal election law, improperly boot a Tea Party candidate off the Republican primary ballot for state attorney general?

I hope the GOP are gearing up to watch out for election fraud in November.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Tea Party Anthem

American Heart

via Andrew Brietbart

Meet Your New Master


Look Where The Country is Headed

Study: California Public Pensions Underfunded by Over $500B
The study examined:
The California Public Employees' Retirement System;
The California State Teachers' Retirement System; and
The University of California's retirement system (Walters, "Capitol Alert," Sacramento Bee, 4/5).

It's time we get rid of these public unions before they destroy the country. Why should we work to pay for their retirement?


Watch this Video and PASS IT ON
Join your local TEA PARTY, if there isn't one near you, start one! Get involved in local politics and make your friends VOTE
Let's take our Country Back!

Obama Neuters America

Can we call him a Anti American Marxist yet?
“This president has taken so many steps backward in dealing with national security,” Giuliani concludes. “Beyond this nuclear policy, this is still an administration in a state of confusion about how to deal with terrorism. They’re out of control. And they have shown an inability to make tough decisions. It’s not inconsequential how the president dithers over so many issues, yet when it comes to dealing with Israel, one of our strongest allies, he doesn’t show much ambiguity. With Israel, he has been extremely hostile. His treatment of the Israeli prime minister [during his recent Washington visit] was shocking.”
Obama Limits When U.S. Would Use Nuclear Arms
“We anticipate a communiqué that spells out very clearly, here’s how we’re going to achieve locking down all the nuclear materials over the next four years.”
National Review
the mere fact that the United States will fail to reverse the steady obsolescence of its deterrent — and the atrophying of the skilled workforce needed to sustain it — will ineluctably achieve what is transparently President Obama’s ultimate goal: a world without American nuclear weapons.
Roger Simon wonders if Obama is mentally fit to govern.

President Weirdo Goes Anti-Nuke
What are we to make of this and the man who is adopting this policy? Does he hate us? Does he hate this country? What would he do if there was, for example, a massive small pox attack on the U.S.? Send in the infantry? Call in the Marines? Try to reason with whoever did it and recommend they negotiate as the fatal disease spreads to millions of people?

Obama Hates Black & Hispanic People

Jobless Numbers Show Minorities Crushed by Team Obama Policies
While the unemployment for white Americans averaged 9.3%, African Americans averaged 16.6%, just a little less than double the rate of white unemployment. Hispanic Americans reported 13.3% unemployment, while recent, young veterans are averaging 14.7%. Black men, over 20 years old, are showing 20.2% unemployment and teenaged, African Americans, ages 16-19, of both sexes, show a mind-boggling 39.3% unemployed. Hispanic teens also report a staggering 30.3% unemployment. The long-term repercussions of these unemployment numbers are troubling, yet the Administration is curiously silent.

Outrageous and slanderous for me to say Obama hates Blacks and Hispanics you say? the results of his policies says differently.. and if Liberals could say that Bush Hated blacks when the Levies broke in LA, which he had NOTHING to do with, then it's not a stretch for me to say Obama is a racist when HIS POLICIES are having a direct impact on people of color.



PRINCETON, NJ -- Americans are more likely to say the U.S. should prioritize development of energy supplies than to say it should prioritize protecting the environment, the first time more have favored energy production over environmental protection in this question's 10-year history.

It's expected that oil will reach $150.00 A BARREL this summer

Monday, April 5, 2010

Look Who Embraces ALL of Obama's FAILED and UNPOPULAR POLICIES!

Why non other than Richard Anthony, one of Frank Wolf's democratic challengers...and yes, folks he's bragging about it. Way to go Mr Anthony, I'm sure any day now, TARP, Obamacare, Cap and Tax and throwing money we don't have after SOCIALIST programs will become popular with the American people...

Mr Anthony took all of Obama's policies and talking points and simply cut and pasted them on his website. He also has contempt for the TEA PARTY MOVEMENT

Tea Party 48% Obama 44% On major issues, 48% of voters say that the average Tea Party member is closer to their views than President Barack Obama.

He has also recently twittered that he misses Chuck Caputo and hates peeps Easter candy... come on, is his campaign some kind of joke?

and then there is this...

This twitter message from Richard Anthony, who is running for the democrat nomination to face Frank Wolf, in Virginia’s 10th District says it all.

Watching Jim Moran on MSNBC. He makes me proud to be a Democrat and I look forward to working with him in Congress once we beat Frank Wolf.

Jim Moran is one of the most corrupt and incompetent Congressmen from Virginia.

Virginian's deserve better, hell, even liberals deserve better.

Famous Cows Endorse Connolly

A group of famous cows have endorsed Gerry Connolly for re-election. The endorsement comes on the heels of a flurry of press releases about Connolly's record of trading earmarks for campaign contributions.

Cows have been slowly becoming politically aware of their individual rights and have been watching Congress for legislators who support bovine rights. Congressman Connolly is the first such endorsement in Virginia because of his full-throated support for pork.

Daisy the Cow, spokesCow for Cows for Connolly PAC said, "Moooo. Geeerrrry Coooonnoooly's support for pork is a wonderful idea. We support all career poiticians who favor pork over everything else. We like Geeeeerry Coooonnnolly's platfrom. Pork for Breakfast. Pork for Lunch. Pork for Dinner. Pork for all contributors. Also Cooooonnolly's supports a ban on fundraisers at Steakhouses. Moooo for Connolly."

While Virginia might be known for its Smithfield Hams, the northern Virginia Congressman is known for his $3,000,000,000+ in pork for his district. More pork than all other Virginia congressmen combined!

Many cows have begun maxing out their contributions to Rep. Connolly. They’re hoping he will continue his tradition of paying back supporters by submitting additional pork for their industries.

Donate to Keith Fimian Here

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Jim Webb

Jim Webb voted for ObamaCare 3 times....NOW he's concerned about the cost?
Vote him OUT

Perriello is not afraid to face Seniors .....

Maybe he thinks since they're old he can take them down...

Perriello holding pair of town hall meetings by telephone

Constituents of U.S. Rep. Tom Perriello, D-Ivy, will have an opportunity to ask the congressman questions about health care reform in two telephone town halls next week.

Perriello will field questions focused on senior citizens’ issues in the first call between 1:30 and 2:30 p.m. Monday. Perriello will host the town hall live from the Senior Center in Charlottesville. He will take questions over the phone and from seniors present in the room.

Seating at the event will be limited to 75 people, with priority given to Senior Center members.
To participate in the call, dial 1-877-269-7289 and enter the PIN 14581.

The second town hall will be held between 6:50 and 7:50 p.m. Wednesday for a general audience of anyone who has questions about the health care reform package.

To participate in the second call, dial 1-877-269-7289 and enter the PIN 14581.
Both calls are free and participants may dial in at any time. The format allows thousands of people to listen at once.

Steve Forbes says Obama is a failure

Steve Forbes

With an ice-cold disdain for public opinion and an obsession worthy of Lenin, President Obama and Speaker Nancy Pelosi rammed ObamaCare through the House by unprecedented parliamentary trickery, bribery and deceit. The President has thereby poisoned the national political well.The President will discover that, ultimately, the American people's tenacity will overwhelm his--and he will be a failed President

Update on Dar al-Hijrah Islamic Center's Fundraising Dinner

The good news is, with the exception of jihad tool Gerry Connolly, THEY DID NOT SHOW UP TO THE DINNER.

more hereAn anti-jihad watchdog group has slammed two U.S. lawmakers for breaking their oath to protect the country by agreeing to appear as special guests at a fundraising dinner Saturday night for a radical Saudi-funded mosque tied to the 9/11 hijackers and the Fort Hood shooter, among other Islamic terrorists.

Here's the original flyer

Some more background here

Saturday, April 3, 2010

HA! Obama falls from grace

Friday, April 2, 2010

Head of DNC Tim Kaine raises money for Mosque tied to Terrorism

from the Washington Examiner

Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Center in Falls Church is holding its annual fundraising dinner on Saturday, April 3, and Democratic National Committee Chairman Tim Kaine is on the guest list.

So is Virginia Rep. Gerry Connolly, D-11th, Rep. Jim Moran, D-10th, Fairfax Board of Supervisors chairwoman Sharon Bulova, and Supervisor Penny Gross, D-Mason.

Frank Gaffney, head of the Center for Security Policy, posted the flyer on Breitbart’s Big Government blog.

This is the same mosque where Anwar Al-Awlaki, the former imam to accused Fort Hood shooter Nidal Malik Hasan (himself also a former mosque member) and mentor to accused Christmas Day bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, once preached.

This is the same mosque that Ahmed Abu-Ali, who was sentenced to 30 years in federal prison for conspiring with members of al- Qaeda to assassinate President George W. Bush, once attended.

This is the same mosque whose board members included Dr. Esam Omeish of Alexandria, who was forced to resign from a Virginia immigration commission to which he was appointed by Kaine after videos of him supporting jihad surfaced on YouTube.

The same mosque where undercover “Mapping Sharia” investigator and faux convert Dave Gaubbatz was given reading materials that called for the killing of apostates.

The same mosque whose current imam, Shaker Elsayed, openly supports suicide bombers and the destruction of Israel.

Gaffney says Sen. Jim Webb, D-Va, and state Del. Kaye Kory, D-Falls Church, both had their names removed from the invitation after he contacted them. But just days prior to the mosque fundraiser, Kaine and the other Democrats were still listed as honored guests.

Will the money Kaine & Co. allow themselves to be used to raise wind up funding some future Christmas Day surprise?


Black Congressman who accused Tea Partiers of Racist remarks and being Spat on refuses to address his allegations...

In an interview on Tuesday with FOX 4 News, Rep. Cleaver would not directly answer the question of whether or not he was intentionally spit upon.
“I haven’t talked about this incident on TV or anywhere, and I’ve been approached to talk about it on every national TV show,” said Rep. Cleaver in an interview with FOX 4 News. “I never, I never reported anything, never a single thing in Washington, not one thing. People assume I went somewhere, never done press conference, never done an interview on it and I’m not going to do it.”…
Rep. Cleaver says that he wants to put the incident behind him.
“All I’m saying is we all have to diffuse [sic] it, and I think it is not in my best interest or in the best interest of this nation to stoke it,” said Rep. Cleaver. “I’ve avoided doing and I will continue to do it.”

What Nerve you have Congressman, You owe me and 40,000 other tea partiers who were there a public apology.

Jim LeMunyon on the Constitution..

The newest delegate from the 67th district has an interesting idea on how to reign in Congress and writes about it in the WSJ

A Constitutional Convention Can Rein in Washington
There's no need to fear crazy amendments since the results would have to be approved by 38 states

The remedy is in Article V of the Constitution, which permits a convention to be called for the purpose of proposing constitutional amendments. Any proposed amendment then would have to be ratified by both houses of 38 state legislatures (three-fourths of the states). This entails 76 separate votes in the affirmative by two houses of the 38 state legislatures. (Nebraska, with its unicameral legislature, would be an exception.)

Jim Webb is SPINNING his numerous votes on OBAMACARE

Webb at UVa: Health reform ‘how not to pass a bill’
“It’s an example of how not to pass a bill,” Webb told politics professor Larry J. Sabato’s class of 400 students. “It pains me to say that as a Democrat.”
Webb voted against repealing Obamacare

Webb voted against having to enroll in ObamaCare