When Tea Party Patriots national Coordinator Mark Meckler went to Senator Liebermans office yesterday he was threatened with arrest if he did not leave.
After the Rally, we went into the Russell building to visit Senators Webb and Warner. First stop was Senator Webbs office. The Senator was not there but they had a guest book to sign and leave a message, they also handed out an op ed he wrote in which he said he didn't know how he would vote! Good Grief! His staff did not tell us that there was a round table meeting on another floor with his chief of staff but I found video's of the meeting
Healthcare professionals speak to Senator Webb's rep
Webb's Staff Face the "MOB"
Line outside Webb's office"
Senator Warners office was a different story. When we got to his office we were told the Senator was not there and they didn't know where he was. Someone next to me asked them if they checked under his desk. A little comic relief is always good! We were directed to another room on the third floor where his Chief of Staff was answering questions. It was an exercise in futility and frustration. We were late getting there and the atmosphere in the room was tense.
One woman who spoke said she escaped a communist country to come here and was screaming in frustration and anger that they were destroying this country that she loved and she wanted to know why. She was very moving and many people had tears in her eyes.
When Warners Chief of staff (I did not get his name) spoke he read off talking points. In other words he lied to our faces, denied the reality of the polls and tried to convince us that this was not a takeover of health care.At one point he actually said that this last election was a mandate! I spoke up and reminded him that neither Warner nor Obama ran with the promise of Socialized medicine.
A Virginia Patriot takes Warners Chief of Staff to task
The Senators who did not face their constituents today have NO GUTS
Tea Party Patriots SING !
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