Thursday, October 22, 2009

This is Obama's America Now

Headlines at Drudgereport

After Stimulus: 49 of 50 States Have Fewer Jobs!
*6 Million Jobs Shy of Administrations' Projections...
Obama trying to boost party money, morale...
RNC Beats DNC in Money Race...
Dems lock Republicans out of committee room: 'They don't know how to behave'...
HealthCare Propaganda On Govt. Website?
House Dems Want Medicare for Everyone...
Administration plans big pay cuts at bailout firms...
Salaries of top executives by 90%...

Those of us who oppose his policies and who hoped he failed in implementing them are Un-American racists, dontcha know

But poor Obama inherited this mess? No, Obama inherited a recession, the same way GW inherited one. Obama's policies are the cause of this mess.

The Dollar hit a new low today and I'm sure George Soros is adding billions more to his bank account.

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