Thursday, October 1, 2009

Obama Supporters from Maryland to knock on Virginia doors for Deeds !

This is Unbelievable! A bunch of Liberal Women are coming into Virginia from Maryland to campaign for Deeds! And they are not only coming once, they have plans to come 5 times!
Can't Diddly Deeds find any Virginians willing to knock on doors for him?
I hope the republicans will be watching the POLLS closely on election day. This isn't a group of housewives organizing, this is the The Montgomery County Democratic Party!

Canvass in Virginia for Creigh Deeds (Community Service)
A Democratic win in the Virginia Governor's race will help the national Democratic agenda and help President Obama. The Republicans see this as their big opportunity but we are not going to let them win. Montgomery County Democrats invite you to go to Virginia to help Creigh Deeds win Virginia in November 2009.
We will meet at the MCDCC (Montgomery County Democratic Central Committee) parking lot, behind 3720 Farragut Avenue, Kensington.
Please arrive 9:15-9:30 am. We will match drivers and riders and depart no later than 9:45 am. Our destination will be northern Virginia (most likely McLean but that could change at the last minute) and you can expect to spend 3-4 hours out knocking on doors.
Time: Saturday's , October 3 , October 10, October 17, October 25 and 31
Organizer: Elly Shaw-Belblidia
Location: MCDCC Headquarters Parking Lot (Kensington, MD)
3720 Farragut Avenue
Kensington, MD 20895

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