Thursday, August 20, 2009

Why is Gerry Connolly Hiding?

Many of Congressman Gerry Connolly’s constituents are calling his office inquiring about his plans for a Town Hall on the Health Care Bill.  They want to express their views on this important issue.  Regrettably, they get the same stale response: “We are in the planning stage and when one is finalized it will be posted on Gerry’s webpage.”  However, nothing is posted after weeks of calls.  

Recently, we learned that Connolly has decided to schedule two town halls, both tightly controlled events at retirement communities, one at Greensprings Retirement Community in Springfield and the other in Loudon Co.  Sadly, these are gated communities and these meetings are not open to the public.

Why is Congressman Connolly hiding from the general public and those people he is supposed to be representing?  Why will he not respond to the telephone calls, and legitimate questions and concerns of his constituents?  

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