Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Know Your Enemy!

Your enemy now is any Democrat - for it is a Party blinded by false notions of compassion, willing to trade liberty for self promotion and so devoid of a soul that innocent life is but a trivial instrument to barter. It is a Party lacking character and it is a Party that simply does not believe in the America of our founding.

But your enemy also is any Republican who is complicit in expanding government at the expense of liberty… Any Republican who would join hands with evil and continue to walk the road of denial, telling you he is fighting for America while he negotiates away her very foundation… And, specifically, any Republican who will not state clearly and succinctly that he will fight each and every day to repeal, de-fund, and otherwise eviscerate the healthcare bill.

And your enemy is the bill itself. For, if we do not repeal this bill, we will have nothing left. We will have forsaken all those who have bled to hand down to us this, the greatest nation the world has ever known - and we will have made a mockery of God’s blessing on this nation.

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