Monday, December 14, 2009

I've Had Enough of This Nonsense!

Government Salaries Soar In Bad Times. “Hard times for folks outside of the federal establishment are also good times for Washington politicians with their never-ending thirst for finding new ways of grabbing tax dollars to benefit themselves, members of their families, present or former staff members, friends, or campaign donors. The $448 billion appropriations bill approved last week by the House contained more than 5,000 earmarks, many of which will ultimately benefit the favored few rather than the suffering many. It’s helpful to keep these realities about Washington bureaucrats and politicians in mind the next time one of them steps forward and proposes solving another crisis with billions more tax dollars.”
This recession has been such a boom time for the tax-supported bureaucracy that "federal employees making salaries of $100,000 or more jumped from 14% to 19% of civil servants during the recession's first 18 months -- and that's before overtime pay and bonuses are counted." USA Today was especially struck by the fact that there was only one career federal worker making an annual salary of $170,000 or more at the U.S. Department of Transportation when the current recession began. Today, 18 months later, there are more than 1,600 career employees making that much at Transportation. We can only hope that none of those additional 1,600-plus high-paid workers was responsible for the $2 billion Cash for Clunkers debacle run by the Transportation Department.


D.C. hands out $15M in bonuses despite recession, budget gaps


Democrats plan to allow the government's debt to swell by nearly $2 trillionas part of a bill next week to pay for wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. The amount pretty much equals the total of a year-end spending spree by lawmakers and is big enough to ensure that Congress doesn't have to vote again on going further into debt until after the 2010 elections.

The Train Wreck of Federal Spending

A WTF Moment
U.S. To Pay $3.4 Billion to Settle Native American Suit

Now,Obama manages to top all this with a Big Dose of Hypocrisy!
Obama Slams 'Fat Cat' Bankers
Obama lashed out at Wall Street, calling bankers "fat cats" who don't get it, in an escalation of tensions with the industry

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