Thursday, September 17, 2009

House votes to cut off funding for ACORN

The House of Representatives just voted overwhelmingly to de-fund ACORN, 345-75. The vote came on a Republican motion to recommit the educational loan bill. As a result, the anti-ACORN provision made it into the House-passed bill.
Below are the names of Virginia's congressmen who voted to preserve ACORN's stream of funding.

give these scabs a call

Jim Moran, D-Va.: (202) 225-4376

Bobby Scott, D-Va.(202) 225-8351

AND BTW.. With This Bill Congress, just handed over Student Loans to the very partisan BOARD OF EDUCATION.

so now the democrats not only control who gets mortgages , who hands them out and at what rate, they also control student loans.

The senate still has to vote on it

call our Senators

WEBB 202-224-4024

WARNER 202-224-2023

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